
While looking for a new journal out of my thousands to write down a Bible study in, I stumbled across something I wrote pre-2006. I used to write a lot of poetry... Most of it, reading with fresh eyes, was mediocre at best. Here's one, though, that shows quite a bit of wisdom for me at that age and is still what my heart cries today. Pardon the awful rhyme and meter. I was, after all, only 14.

To kiss the hands that took the nails for me.
To look to Him when the old self wants to flee.
To hear the sweet voice of redemption itself.
To know I don't need earthly wealth;
this is what it is to be free.

To read the words He spoke for me.
To feel His loving around me.
To walk, carrying my cross up that hill.
To listen and know when I can't, He will;
this is what it means to be free.

When I am weak, He is strong in me,
and when I fall to my knees,
He picks me up, giving me rest.
This is when I know I'm a child of the Best;
this is how it feels to be free.

Are you free to live in relationship with your Creator? Only His mercy and grace free us. Something else important to remember is that freedom isn't freedom to sin: it's freedom to participate in God's kingdom as it is here on earth (blog about that idea to follow shortly, so don't worry if you're confused). When you're in a relationship, whether that's a member of the opposite sex, or a friend, family member, or mentor, you want to please that person. THAT is what this poem is about. Being free to learn how to please our Creator and free to do just that. It's about relationship; relating to God, even though He's holy and quite the mystery in some ways. I am free to live in this world walking hand in hand with God the way He meant it to be; that's beautiful. Thank Him today for the generous reconciliation He gave us with the sacrifice of His son.

*Also in the news: I'm starting to formally study the Bible with the wonderful guy I'm dating. Look for my thoughts each day on that: we'll see what God has to teach us!

**Don't forget: I leave for Brazil on June 21st! There will definitely be posts about that, too! They'll be in the tabs at the top of the page.

Posted by penned by Mindi at 1:30 PM


1 loves:

Kaila said...

Wow girl. You're on fire!
